As a family run business when it was suggested that we offer our staff a late start on Monday 12th July due to European Championships final we thought what a great idea. After the stressful past 18 months we felt that the AJW team deserved to enjoy the football final without having to be at work for 7am. So, we have given everyone a 2 hour lay in as we are opening at 9am.
After spotting our tweet about opening late, the daily mail contacted us to ask why we have decided to put this into place as they were intrigued after England fans have created a petition to request for Monday to be a bank holiday. We wouldn’t expect to receive a bank holiday but we feel like it is key to look after your staff and with some a monumental game on Sunday which if they WIN will be one of the biggest days in football for a long time and we all want to be able to enjoy this celebration; and if they don’t win then what an amazing achievement anyway. The squad have done the country proud.