We are proud to showcase a special thank you which we received from one of our customers.
Well done Shaun and thank you for your great work.
Delivery of Sahtas tiles to Bridge Cottage
I would like to thank your driver Shaun Hart for his help and cooperation when he made the delivery of the above tiles to my site.
Shaun had obviously taken the time and effort to check the location and organised the delivery that was on a single track road which meant blocking the road for a short period to my neighbors. He carried this out in very quick time and managed to deliver part of the load exactly where required.
This also meant him setting up the lorry in two positions to deliver the rest of the load into a very awkward place without any hesitation and with consideration, and bearing in mind it was pouring with rain.
I have many deliveries in my life of business and most drivers just want to deliver in easiest position for themselves and as quick as possible to get away. Although Shaun was efficient in delivering he also took the time to place the tiles in a very helpful position for myself and customer.
Many Thanks to Shaun and could you please pass the enclosed cheque on to him with my gratitude.