Over-roofing, Yorkshire Water Buttershaw depot
Location: Buttershaw
Products used for the refurbishment:
Lightweight GRP Over-roofing was the perfect solution for the refurbishment of this large asbestos cement roof in Bradford.
Yorkshire Water’s Buttershaw Depot Building in Bradford was constructed in 1971, using a steel portal frame with an asbestos cement roof. Degradation of the original roof had resulted in water ingress leading to other problems, so in 2010 a refurbishment programme was planned. Yorkshire Water’s requirement was simply to provide a cost-effective solution, making the building wind and water proof and extending its working life by ten to fifteen years.
Two key factors had to be taken into consideration. First, the building loading would not allow a metal roofing system to be used. Second, removing the existing asbestos roof would present a significant health & safety hazard – both to operatives working on the roof and to Yorkshire Water’s own employees at the site.
Lightweight GRP FILON Over-roofing was the obvious solution – meeting both these critical requirements as well as providing a proven, long working life.
The FILON GRP Over-roofing sheets were manufactured to match the existing profile of the asbestos sheets. They were then installed over the existing roof, using FILON’s patented profix spacer system, which also allows a cavity sufficient for the inclusion of insulation, if the thermal specification of the roof is to be upgraded. The extreme lightness of FILON Over-roofing, compared to metal profiled sheets, is the characteristic that allows this extremely simple solution. Additional loadings are minimal and, crucially in this case, there was no need to subject personnel to risk by disturbing and removing the existing asbestos. This factor creates another advantage, by removing the requirement for costly disposal of asbestos.
Furthermore, FILON Over-roofing is simple to install and greatly reduces time on site compared to alternative profiled roof refurbishment methods.
Case Study is supplied by Filon Products Limited