Easy Verge products are the only dry verges that have been specially designed to look like a traditionally pointed verge and will even allow for a traditional cambered or ‘Celtic’ edge.
Easy VergeTrim has been developed without an undercloak to meet the requirements of the Scottish and refurbishment markets.
Easy Verge Trim has been specially designed to be suitable for all types of preformed verge details such as fully boarded (Scottish practice; sarking), close cut gables and barge boards, as well as many other remedial applications.
Although traditional, a pointed verge has always been the main cause of roof failure. The Easy Verge Trim is profiled to fit with the slates and battens and works with any slate roof verge, eliminates maintenance issues and the speed/ease of installation offers an overall cost saving against most other methods.
Its patented super seals are the only system that is guaranteed to prevent the water from creeping back under the slates or through the verge thus preventing the battens from rotting.